Make sure your computer meets the System Requirements.
For more information on how to do this, see your router's instruction manual or manufacturer's website. While accessing your router, make sure to update the firmware as this may resolve connection issues.To best access The Elder Scrolls Online, configure your router to open the following outbound ports:.Power Cycle Your Home Network and PC/Console(click to expand).Keep your modem/router far from electrical devices and do not coil up excess signal or power cables to eliminate possible interference problems.In most cases a wired connection is faster and more stable, but in rare instances switching to wireless may help. If using a wireless connection, switch to wired.This can increase your bandwidth usage and slow your connection speed. Do not download or stream on any devices on your network.This will vary depending on your location and internet connection speed. Generally, if your in-game ping is around 100 or less, any gameplay stuttering may be due to hardware issues. This will be displayed in the lower-left corner of the window. You can use the /latency command in the in-game conversation window to display your ping. Make sure to check for local outages and issues with your ISP at. The Elder Scrolls Online requires broadband internet connection to play. If this does not resolve the issue, proceed to the steps below. If you are experiencing slow response times, gameplay stuttering, lag, and suffering from high latency it is most often solved by restarting your router and modem.